Sunday, 2 August 2009

New blog for new times....

Although the creative journey isn't over, the blog of the same name is not so relevant, now I am no longer in Cyprus! Hence a "new blog for new times."

Here I hope to continue the journey but more focused than the first time round now I have a better understanding of my work and the direction I would like to go in (did I just say I knew which direction I wanted to go in? Er...I do?).

A little bit of wisdom for you from Pablo Picasso as I, as yet, have none so profound:

"Two boys arrived yesterday with a pebble they said was the head of a dog until I pointed out that it was really a typewriter" - Pablo Picasso

It''s all about how you look at something...


weywardgirl said...

By grog or by slog, I be the first one on your blog??!! :O>

Sarah Homfray said...

By hook or by crook, you managed to look! Thankyou...

More coming very soon...