I am running a Design for Embroidery class soon which is a good excuse to do some more drawing, something I have not been very good at keeping up with since I got back from Cyprus, (It doesn't take long to get back into old ways!) By the end of the class (5 hours) I'm hoping the students will have an original design complete with stitch plan and colour ideas, having just taught them basic drawing skills, composition and tone! I'm hoping I haven't been too ambitious, we will find out soon. I'm also teaching a traditional stitch sampler for a week and a one day goldwork class.
For anyone interested in Crewel Work, I'm running a one day Jacobean class in Winchester in October. More details can be seen at: http://embroiderynow.co.uk/
I also have an entry for the British Sari Story Competition to complete and I'm setting up a shop on Etsy for embroiderers across the pond. Busy busy busy!
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