I haven't stopped today, nor have I done any work! Visited the physiotherapist about a long running problem with my shoulder (brought on by bad embroidery posture, BEWARE all embroiderers, don't slouch!). She was very good and explained what was wrong then promptly stuck a big needle in the joint and injected it with steriods. Youch! Once these have kicked in, I have to do some exercises. It was a good excuse not to do anything manual today...

Then it was to the polling station to vote. It was good to see lots of people out obviously doing the same (clutching small pieces of white card in their hands!). Emilie Pankhurst did her bit, I believe in doing mine! This area is an important one, with only a few hundreds votes in it in the 2005 election. We are looking forward to waching the results come in.
Then it was off into town to sort out my broken mobile phone. No one seemed to be able to fix it, nor did the bits inside it seem to be compatible with any other phone so I had to buy a new one. We come to be so dependent on these devices that we think we can't live without them...
Big Ben has struck 10.00, I'm off to see whats going on in Westminster...
P.S. Don't forget my embroidery blog at:
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