At last I can show my sari design, although not the actual sari yet. It was supposed to be on display at the Knitting and Stitching show last weekend but it got held up in customs until Monday. Just too late for the 50,000 passing visitors to the show...
See my website blog for more info:
"I get satisfaction of three kinds. One is creating something, one is being paid for it and one is the feeling that I haven't just been sitting on my ass all afternoon." - William F. Buckley
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Beach art...
Had a mini artist reunion last week and met up with Clare and John, both of whom I was with in Cyprus.
It's strange to see people you know out of context, gone were the bohemian art college fashions and paint splattered clothes!
We met up down in Folkstone, not a part of the world I am familiar with despite living only an hour away. I liked it alot, although it needs an injection of something (people? Tourists?).
If it weren't for Johns local knowledge I would have completely missed the beach art:

This is a Mark Wallinger piece called 'Folk Stones' (good title), and consists of 19,240 'individually hand numbered' stones signifying the number of British soldiers killed on 1st July 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme. For me, I could imagine each stone as a person lyng in the mud...
Then there was Richard Wilsons concrete beach huts, entitled '18 holes', made from a recycled pitch and put course. They looked alot better than the concrete beach huts 50 metres further along the sea front:
Even the pebbles shipped in to shore up the beach look like a work of art!

Lots happening in Folkstone art wise, unfortunately for the artists not many people there buying the art...but it does have a cracking fish and chip shop in the harbour!
It's strange to see people you know out of context, gone were the bohemian art college fashions and paint splattered clothes!
We met up down in Folkstone, not a part of the world I am familiar with despite living only an hour away. I liked it alot, although it needs an injection of something (people? Tourists?).
If it weren't for Johns local knowledge I would have completely missed the beach art:
This is a Mark Wallinger piece called 'Folk Stones' (good title), and consists of 19,240 'individually hand numbered' stones signifying the number of British soldiers killed on 1st July 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme. For me, I could imagine each stone as a person lyng in the mud...
Then there was Richard Wilsons concrete beach huts, entitled '18 holes', made from a recycled pitch and put course. They looked alot better than the concrete beach huts 50 metres further along the sea front:
Even the pebbles shipped in to shore up the beach look like a work of art!
Lots happening in Folkstone art wise, unfortunately for the artists not many people there buying the art...but it does have a cracking fish and chip shop in the harbour!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Peg dolls
Just a reminder to visit the following site for everything to do with peg dolls:
New examples and projects being added all of the time, plus a gallery of readers dolls
Friday, 6 August 2010

Click the link above to read my latest newsletter. There is lots to keep up to date with including information about embroidery and art (each goes so well with the other!), exhibitions at home and abroad, featured work, new items for sale, and the odd free project is thrown in too! This month learn how to do French knittting...
Monday, 2 August 2010
Stitch magazine article

My embroidery blog is now on my website. Visit to read about what I'm up to in the embroidery world.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Getting there
Have been tentatively out on the bike a few more times. I feel like a baby taking it's first steps! Had a good ride yesterday, felt a little more at ease although I'm still concentrating hard and Jon is still riding behind me which helps alot. Most drivers have been pretty patient, although L-plates seem to turn some people into demon drivers. It's flippin' hot when you stop though!
Saturday, 19 June 2010
New toy...
The big bike makes little baby bike...
Finally bit the bullet and bought a bike! A Honda CBF125, re-named Little Red. I've never named any of my vehicles (out of principle!) so I'm not sure what that says about me. Just been for my first ride on it with Jon patiently tootling along behind me making sure I was alright (which I was by the way). Bit nervewracking at first, being a learner again after so many years is a strange feeling. I think I'm quite a confident driver so suddenly not having any confidence is weird. I'm sure it will come soon.
Just looking at this picture, they look a bit 'his and hers'. Oh dear, we'll be wearing the same jumpers next...
Stopping for a break and a photo opportunity in Aylesford
Friday, 11 June 2010
It's time for a background change, and this one is quite funky.
Been a busy week, I passed my CBT so I'm ready to buy a bike and get out on the road!
Been a busy week, I passed my CBT so I'm ready to buy a bike and get out on the road!
Had a bit of a scare with the cat, she had an altercation with the next door neighbours dog and in her haste to get away, jumped a six foot fence and bolted up the tree where she clung petrified. Not good when you have a heart murmur and you are 17 years old (and you are a cat!). She is not too bad now, although she is still limping with a torn cruciate ligament and is wary of going outside (I think it was our wallet that hurt the most after a late evening trip to the emergency vet).
Been busy in the garden. It has rained nearly everyday since we sorted out the seating area. Caroline came round and helped me plant raspberries, strawberries and pull up the weeds. Got some potatoes to plant also as soon as the rain stops.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
The humble peg doll
I've started a new site dedicated to the humble peg doll. It's really more of a hobby at the moment but I'm hoping it will expand. I'm planning some more kits which will go on the website soon and I'm always buying vintage ones from e-bay!
To visti this site click on this link:
Don't forget, for everything I'm doing embroidery wise visit:
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Eurovision Eurotrash
We found a new game to play: Guess who gets douze point from's a good test of your geography and history knowledge! No suprises to see Poland didn't give Germany (the clear winners from the score board point of view) a single point when everyone else was giving them 12. What a load of old balony, they should ditch the songs and just do the voting bit.
And suprise suprise we were last again! Our song was written by Pete Waterman, a writer who has produced over 20 number one hits across Europe. Britain produces some amazing music (and i'm not including Pete Waterman in that) so why do we continue to take part in a completely political competition? I feel sorry for the guy who sang it. I can't even remember his name, that's how banal he and his song were, but I admire him for standing on that stage at the age of 19 and doing his best knowing that we were doomed no matter what he did. Put the money to better use and support music projects on our own shores that's what I say!
And I know the picture is Moscow, but it was prettier than Norways...
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Had my lesson this morning and it was great! Jon arrived to pick me up just in time to snap some pics of me:
The instructor Tarnya was brilliant and in less than an hour we were driving around on our own although admitedly we didn't get out of first gear. I booked my CBT which is quite soon so then if I get a bike Jon and I will be able to go out on little sojourns! I found there was quite a lot to think about but I'm ensured that it becomes second nature very quickly. They take you out on the road in the afternoon on the CBT, so it must be true!
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Two wheels
We popped out on the bike to get some embroidery supplies yesterday and ended up motorbike shopping! Jonathan is a bad influence I shall leave him at home next time. I have a free lesson on Saturday (there is a campaign to get people onto two wheels and off four, hence lots of centres are offering a free intro lesson: The plan is to get my CBT (Certificate of basic training) then get a bike which I am allowed to ride on L-plates.
Three bike shops later and we narrowed the choices down to a Yamaha and a Honda:
Jonathan thought I looked good on the Yamaha (left) but I'm leaning towards the other one (right). They do100 miles to the gallon, £15 road tax, you can park for free and you don't get stuck in traffic!
We got to the embroidery supplies eventually about 3 hours later!
I'll let you know how the lesson goes...
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Nearly a week later...
...and we have a new Prime Minister!
For a moment we thought we were going to have the following scenario (from National Review Online):
"Instead, post-election, the "unelected" prime minister is now insisting he'll stay in office until he can make way for another "unelected" prime minister from his own party — the party which lost the election — once it has successfully concluded negotiations with the party that came third in the election. Meanwhile, the party that won the most seats throughout the UK, and a clear majority in England, will be entirely excluded"
British democracy in action!
In other news, I've just finished my latest newsletter which is on my website ready to open. Now my eyes are sore so I think it's time for bed. Lots of stitching to do tomorrow...
For a moment we thought we were going to have the following scenario (from National Review Online):
"Instead, post-election, the "unelected" prime minister is now insisting he'll stay in office until he can make way for another "unelected" prime minister from his own party — the party which lost the election — once it has successfully concluded negotiations with the party that came third in the election. Meanwhile, the party that won the most seats throughout the UK, and a clear majority in England, will be entirely excluded"
British democracy in action!
Still it seems to be almost sorted now, and perhaps the new government can get on with the task of running the country and paying off our debt. There are some great pictures floating around of official handshakes with the Queen (who has seen 12 Prime Ministers in her reign) which are sure to appear in satirical TV shows! I like the efficiency of the whole thing; Gordon leaves 10 Downing Street, pops into the palace to say bye and on his way out passes David on his way in to say hi. David then goes to his new home/office and starts to dish out jobs there and then! And all within the space of about 45 minutes!! And the Queen settles down to watch Emmerdale...(although probably not wearing a crown)
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Busy busy day...
I haven't stopped today, nor have I done any work! Visited the physiotherapist about a long running problem with my shoulder (brought on by bad embroidery posture, BEWARE all embroiderers, don't slouch!). She was very good and explained what was wrong then promptly stuck a big needle in the joint and injected it with steriods. Youch! Once these have kicked in, I have to do some exercises. It was a good excuse not to do anything manual today...
Then it was to the polling station to vote. It was good to see lots of people out obviously doing the same (clutching small pieces of white card in their hands!). Emilie Pankhurst did her bit, I believe in doing mine! This area is an important one, with only a few hundreds votes in it in the 2005 election. We are looking forward to waching the results come in.

Then it was off into town to sort out my broken mobile phone. No one seemed to be able to fix it, nor did the bits inside it seem to be compatible with any other phone so I had to buy a new one. We come to be so dependent on these devices that we think we can't live without them...
Big Ben has struck 10.00, I'm off to see whats going on in Westminster...
P.S. Don't forget my embroidery blog at:
Monday, 3 May 2010
English tradition...Mayday celebrations
'In the 16th and 17th centuries in England people would make garlands of flowers and leaves for the May Day celebration. After becoming a source of competition between Works Guilds, these garlands became increasingly elaborate, to the extent that it covered the entire man. This became known as Jack in the Green.' He also made an appearance in the parade through the town:
It's great to see these traditions are being kept alive.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
A new location...
Just reporting a slight change in my blogging practices. I have a new exclusively embroidery and art blog set up on my website, click below to be transported there:
Sarahs New blog
Sarahs New blog
I wanted to have everything in the same place and now it is: Website, shop, blog - all in one! The website web-log will be embroidery/art based only. I might be completely self indulgent therefore, and keep this one about other topics. Talking of which, here is a picture of Alice the Cat making herself a bed in my felting wools. She was only allowed to stay there because she is an old lady and she looked quite sweet...
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Inspired to paint
I visited the Society of Botanical Artists exhibition last Wednesday and it made me want to paint! So that's what I did. My efforts compared to theirs are a bit pitiful but it was good to put paint to paper again. I did some quick studies of a tulip from my garden that had been snapped off (I think the cat may have something to do with that).
At the time I didn't like the results and threw the piece to oneside annoyed with myself for rushing it, but there is nothing like a little distance from something to look at it more objectively.
The exhibition is over now, but you can see some of the amazing work at their website (click on the link below:)
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Shop news
My shop is now up and running! You can now buy your 'Critters on Canvas' materials pack online. Click the link below:
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Making a piece of history...get involved!
Whether you like it or not, it's coming to London in 2012....yes it's the summer Olympics! My opinion is you have more to gain from joining in than you have from being a Victor Meldrew so what better opportunity for those of you with a creative streak than to make a piece of Olympic art?
The idea is to make a pennant for an Olympic athlete (traditionally in sport, competitors exchange pennants as a sign of friendship) and hopefully there will be enough to present every athlete with one at the end of the games. That's alot of athletes by the way (apparently there were 12,000 in Beijing)!
For lots more information and guidelines on how and what to make click on the link below to go to where it's all happening:
The pennants will be displayed in various exhibitions before the games kick off, so here's a great chance to get your work on show! If you're not confident with your skills, there are step by step instructions, templates and lots of images of pennants already finished for inspiration. EVERYONE CAN GET INVOLVED!
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Lots of new stuff!
Well it's been a busy day! My website is now up and running again with a few changes. Visit to enter my world of embroidery. You can see a gallery of my work, open up my latest newsletter and see items for sale on my Etsy site as well as accessing this blog.
There are a few tweaks to make and I will be working on the shop and adding more pages in the next few weeks so pop back to see the changes.
There are a few tweaks to make and I will be working on the shop and adding more pages in the next few weeks so pop back to see the changes.
My 'Critters on Canvas' project is now available in the latest issue of 'Stitch' magazine, and it made the front cover! I'm very pleased with how it looks and hope anyone that wants to have a go at the project will have great fun doing it. Buy the magazine from good stationers or craft stores.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Just can't help it...
...buying beads that is. Went to the stitching show at Olympia last weekend, and it goes without saying that I will come back with beads, I just can't help myself. I'm not a mad beader, I just like to get them out of their box every now again, shake the containers, run them through my fingers, hold them up to the light, plan lots of things to do with them in my head then put them away again. Having a box full of beads is akin to having a treasure trest. These millefiori beads are the latest addition to my hoard...
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Not much spare time?
Have a go at inchies! I first heard about these from a good friend of mine and with half an hour to spare one day I thought I would make a few of my own. The principal is simple, a piece of work that measures an inch square. I made 3 felt inchies...
It's a good way of trying out small samples, using up scraps and making something quick and it would be interesting to see how much detail you could get into one of these although I'm a little mystified what you do with them when they are finished! I guess they might look good as a set framed in a box frame but then you might as well do a larger piece...
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Just to let everyone know, my website has gone off line for a very short while while it is being upgraded. You can get in touch with me and keep up to date with happenings through this blog for now and I will let you all know when then new site is up and running!
I'm sure the news that Jonathan and I got married has got round to everyone by now, but for those I didn't send the picture to I apologise. Here it is...
I'm sure the news that Jonathan and I got married has got round to everyone by now, but for those I didn't send the picture to I apologise. Here it is...
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
March Newsletter
OK, here goes with the technology...hopefully you should be able to click on the link below and see my latest Newsletter! Any problems let me know...
Aurata Embroidery March 2010 Newsletter
It should look like this!:
Aurata Embroidery March 2010 Newsletter
It should look like this!:
If you would like to subscribe to this newsletter please send me an email to and type 'sign me up please!' in the subject box.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Well worth seeing....
Made a trip down to Portsmouth to take in a few sights last week, namely the Overlord Embroidery and HMS Victory. For anyone who likes embroidery (and indeed even those who don't particularly!), the Overlord is well worth a visit. Designed By Sandra Lawrence and made by the Royal School of Needlework, it tells the story of Operation Overlord, the D-Day landings of Normandy by the Allied forces in 1944.
The embroidery measures 83 metres in length and is split into 34 panels (it is longer than the famous Bayeux Tapestry). Techniques include applique, couching, shading, goldwork and surface stitching. I had seen many images of this embroidery (and indeed a practice sample of it in the collection of the RSN) and was still more than impressed by this piece of embroidery. If you are in the South East of England, stop by!
The Embroidery is housed in the D-day museum in Portsmouth, follow the link below for more information:
We also went to see HMS Victory:
It was comforting to see Admiral Lord Nelson's bed was covered in hand embroidered hangings to give him some privacy! Especially surreal on a ship thats only purpose is too fight..
Visiting this historic ship is fabulous, you can see every deck and go right down into the bowels of the ship. There is a piece of the original mast complete with shot damage and a plaque marking where Nelson fell and where he died. You spend most of the visit bent double as the decks are low so don't go if you are claustophobic or have a bad back! For more info click on the link below:
Monday, 22 February 2010
Competition finalist!
Just thought I would let you know, I entered the 'Bridging arts: British Sari Story' competition and my design has been picked as one of the five finalists! I am very excited about this as the Sari will be made up and I will get to see the design for real. Can't give too much away at the moment, but the design is something to do with the weather. Here is a picture of previous entries on display at Canary Wharf:
Click on the link below to see more about this competition:
British Sari Competition
Click on the link below to see more about this competition:
British Sari Competition
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Critters make it to print..
Look out for my 'Critters on Canvas' canvas and stumpwork project in the next issue of Stitch magazine, which is out on March 25th (ok, I know that's a long way off but it was exciting to flick through the magazine and see it!). I guess the cuddly toys are critters also....
Thursday, 28 January 2010
More embroidery training!

I am in the process of signing up for a distance learning course in Indian Embroidery which I am quite excited about although the joining process is a little convoluted. I've picked which technique I'm going to start with (mirror work, no suprise there!) and have returned the application form, now I just need to work out how to pay and they can send me all the stuff.
The school I will be learning with is Mridula's School of Embroidery and Fashion Design, based in Tamil Nadu in India. See more about them at: Can't wait to get going. See a piece of my mirror work below...
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Getting creative again
Got a few things done and out of the way this month, so now I can relax a little and do something creative again. Still needle felting although I broke my needle last night maing a toadstool! Luckily I had a walk down into Rochester earlier in the day and happened to stock up with another one. Also got some new fabrics for doll making (it's terrible, I have two baskets full of fabrics and I can't help buying more!) so look out for new kits on Etsy.
I have also just finished a couple of articles for Stitch magazine so look out for those also. I think the first comes out in the April/May issue and the second in the summer issue. It was good to work on a summer project in winter, very cheering!
I have also started a newsletter the first issue of which came out in December, and am working on the Jan/Feb issue at the moment. I will try to work out if I can upload it somehow so you can see this space!
I have also just finished a couple of articles for Stitch magazine so look out for those also. I think the first comes out in the April/May issue and the second in the summer issue. It was good to work on a summer project in winter, very cheering!
I have also started a newsletter the first issue of which came out in December, and am working on the Jan/Feb issue at the moment. I will try to work out if I can upload it somehow so you can see this space!
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
A little sheep
In needle felt...
Still playing with needle felting. It is very sculptural, made this little fella in a few hours. It's also very theraputic....
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
A new year
Happy new year to all my readers!
Well the new year is here and it's time to get down to work again. There always seems so much to do, how are you supposed to fit it all in in one lifetime? I've made a plan, now all I have to do is stick to it!
I allowed myself some play time over the Christmas period and I've been messing around with some felt making. Below is a felted panel of roses:
The before and after effect are quite different. The colours seem to mix when the fibres are laid out then separate again once the piece has been felted. Felt is great to stitch on, there is no grain to follow for a start! You can bury the ends easily, you can gather it up by pulling the stitches tight and it looks lovely embellished with beads and sequins which are a real contrast to the soft fuzzy look of felt.
The above is a sample I made some years ago of the garden where I used to live. It is wet felted then embellished with machine embroidery, hand embroidery and shisha mirrors. I have also just discovered needle felt (I know, I'll get there in the end!) which I'm very excited about. It is much easier to control than welt felting and much more sculptural. Here are some beads I made in this technique:
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