Wednesday, 28 October 2009

I little bit of restoration....

This is a peg doll I bought off E-bay. Unfortunately his highway man days looked like they had seen better days so I thought I would put him right. He had been glued, and the glue was showing through. The jacket has also comefree as had his hat and the base,

I took everything off that would come off easily and remade a waist coat in a new piece of felt. I remade the piece exactly and sewed it back on instead of gluing. In hindsight I should have given the new waistcoat more felt to give myself something more to stitch into. I sewed the bead buttons onto the jacket to secure them (also glued on), then redressed him. He had only one pistol remaining so i fashioned another one just like the first out of a matchstick. 

The finished result:

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