Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Art for sale

I have added some of my botanical art to my Etsy shop. This is a watercolour painting of 'Morning Glory' vine, painted when I was in Cyprus.
There is also some new jewellery on there with more to don't forget to check back regularly! follow the link to my Etsy shop at the side of this blog.
I've got 4 weeks of teaching coming up next week so it's going to be a busy month. I'm teaching goldwork, embroidery design and intensive CC for the RSN. I believe there are also still places left on the Jacobean course in Winchester in October. Visit for more details.
I'm still interested in peg dolls and have bought some beautiful vintage ones off E-bay. I will take some photographs and post them here. You will be amazed what can be done with a simple wooden clothes peg!
Watch this space....

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